A Story in the Threads: The Clothing of Enslaved Women in the Antebellum South

What was the difference between the clothing of enslaved black women and free white women during the Antebellum period? 
Discover what enslaved women were wearing and how their culture, circumstances and creativity impacted their clothing. Find out the clues left behind that help us to understand what they were wearing

A Lady's Maid Lecture

Cheyney will provide guest with a peak inside the world of enslaved house servants in North America, by guiding them through a day in the 

Headwraps of African Women in America Lecture

A presenter will give a lecture on headwraps found among both free and enslaved African Women in America from the 18th to 19th century. Attendees will learn how headwraps changed from region to region, and the cultural and historical significance of styles. Attendees will be able to view and handle the different fabrics that were avalible to these women.  

Lectures and Programs

Start the conversation on slavery at your site through a lecture or hands on program on material culture with an experienced historical interpreter and museum educator.  These programs are perfect for Historic Sites, Museums, Conferences and Special Events.

Is Aunt Jemima Racist?

Join historical interpreter and “collector of racist garbage” Cheyney McKnight in learning about the history and legacy of minstrel shows.  Learn about what minstrel shows were and how they shaped the American entertainment industry and beyond.

Cheyney's Patreon Page

The Ancestor’s Future: An Afrofuturist Journey Through History Interpretation

Start a conversation at your site with descendants at the center.

According to Afrofuturist Ingrid LaFeur “Afrofuturism is a way of imagining possible futures through a Black cultural lens”.  Afrofuturist, Artist, and Historical Interpreter Cheyney McKnight will design a performance art piece along with a descendant of your site.

The public is invited to come engage with them and the descendant, and talk about the African experience in America’s past, as well as hear speculations about the far future of the Diaspora

Not Your Momma's History

Cooking Demonstration

Cheyney is a hearth cook that is experienced in cooking West African, Black American, Dutch, and British food.

If you would like to bring Cheyney to your site to interpret foodways please contact us here